The Launch & 10% off discount code for the upcoming festival this month JLG10!  

What a fab launch night the place was buzzing and busy the new EP ‘Jolo’ was flying out like hotcakes.. absolutely delighted! thanks to all who came along. A special thanks to my band Stuart Hartley (banjo and guitar)  Ade Jackson (bass) Curtis Stone (harmonical) the sound was great too (thanks again to Curtis!) next stop it's festival time ! have you got your entrance ticket to Stand In The Light? if not don't forget to use discount code JLG10 for 10% off! see you there!   

The Launch of 'JOLO' ep   

Hello all of you lovely people who read my latest news blogs, first of all thank you for being here! Finally I have a new release on CD coming out on the 5th of May '24 … it's a 5 song disc with 3 new songs on it and here is a snippet of one of the new tunes

I am so pleased with this gorgeous sounding EP and especially chuffed since I have had amazing people on board to help embellish my songs and create the sounds you will hear. Four of the tunes are in 432Hz and 3 have been produced by Cameron L. Warren a young upcoming music industry professional otherwise know as St_Louis who happens to be my son ! I am a lucky lady and when you hear the quality of these recordings you will appreciate my smiles! 

I am holding my launch at a very cosy venue in the heart of Liverpool @Berry & Rye Cocktail bar on the 5th May and you will also be able to see me perform the songs from the new release and much more @Prohibition Recording Studios also in Liverpool on the 4th June. 

CD's will be available mail order here or at my shows and I will upload the new songs onto spotify, applemusic and amazon etc. at a later date!   

Happy New Year! Festival news pus New Open mic Night at The Black Horse Gregson Lane please note No Net's Bar Open mic in January. 

Happy New Year to all of you! it will be a rollercoaster year I'm sure hold on to your White Hats!!  the main event for me will be a late spring release of that EP the 4th song is almost finished and also I am on the bill for the Stand in The Light Festival this year taking place 24th-27th May '24 more details coming soon! 

Also I have a new venue for my open mic nights which will be every Thursday during January at The Black Horse in Gregson Lane Preston, will it be a permanent fixture? we shall see and I will let you know!


I will update if there are any changes.. wishing you all lots of smiles, happiness, music and song AND the best you can be!    JLG     

In the studio and half way through EP ! plus an originals gig coming up!  

Hello all,

I have been busy staying alive (working) and I have been in the studio with new songs ready for a spring release! They sound AMAZING and you are going to love them! They are a real step up in production. I'd love to create a vinyl for this next release so we shall see if that is possible but definitely a CD as well as the download options!  I have an originals gig on the 2nd December in Liverpool so hope you can come along to that! Please say hello if you do and I will have copies of The Here & Now on me if you wish to treat one of your friends for Christmas to my current CD. I will be performing the new tunes also so you will get a sneak preview! it's going to be a great end to the year!  

New Open Mic Venue !  

Hi all,

sorry for not updating more often..  we already well into March!! I am just getting over the shock of finishing my fabulous open mic nights at The Northern Way Preston due to a change in management.. not to worry, a lovely venue called Net's Bar in Gregson Lane just outside of Preston approached me to run a night on a Wednesday 8pm. The bar is slowly building its reputation as a great live music hub for the area and my new open mic night has got off to a great start! some amazing talent already have showed up to perform and the venue is always on the look out to book live music acts so come along and help us celebrate live music and try out those new tunes! Beginners welcome.. 

I have been gigging well known songs as The Time Tinkers check us out here we are a recently formed duo formed with banjo player and guitarist Stuart Hartley we play lots of different genres and also quite a few of my own songs .. we do a very Spanish and authentic version of Last Train to Paradise and some new unreleased tunes where Stu plays the banjo. I have also been gigging as a duo called Feather with Katie Mac from Irish/Liverpool band The Jesse Janes, we gel very well in every way true soul sisters! Katie has written some fabulous guitar parts for a couple of my new tunes, try to catch us at one of our gigs.

There have finally been some developments for the new EP release it will take a little time, raising funds to complete the project professionally has been the only obstacle as the songs are written and some recorded. Watch this space. If you wish to donate to help make the next CD happen you can go here or drop me a line  Many thanks  JLG xx 

Something For The Pain Video edited and now with lyrics!!  

Hi spring is on it's way! and I have been returning to live scene and singing for my supper!! I am also beginning to plan ahead for the EP release that I had to put on hold.. fingers crossed this year there will be new tunes for you to buy!

I released the music video Something For The Pain back in 2020 It is no longer available on youtube so I have just uploaded the video on to my Rumble channel.. please check it out, it highlights a very important and urgent issue largely unknown to the majority.    Something For The Pain (with lyrics)

You can download the song here Something For The Pain

Things are changing rapidly in this world and now there are many alternatives to you tube so if you haven't already opened a Rumble account go and have a look and if you decide to sign up please subscribe to my fledgling channel there!

I am performing a solo gig at The Fulwood Arms in Liverpool next week on the 18th March (check my shows section for details) so hopefully I will see you then!

Hard copies of The Here & Now finally available!! 

Hi everyone hope you are all feeling good and tuning out of the negative barrage of news that people keep telling me about! My album The Here & Now was described as 'an oasis of Calm and healing..' and a popular choice for my fans for relaxation and good vibes, especially for playing in the car! I am pleased to tell you I now have hard copies available just in time for Christmas! order one now before they run out again!! just follow the link  The Here & Now  and remember keep vibing high and hold the line!!  love to you and yours xx

I'm back!! Live gigs and Open Mic Night 

Good News!

I am back at The Northern Way in Preston .. running the Open Mic Night .. it started slow back in August, but building up again now so if you are not too far away come on over and enjoy the music.. we have some great talent on and of course I will be playing some well known tunes and a few of my originals ! If you are a musician come and play I have a spare acoustic guitar for you to use! 

BRAND NEW!! Merchandise Page  

Hi there I hope you are all feeling good .. despite the very strange year we are all having!.. I have been creative and have been learning new skills such as video making and editing for friends..

I performed at a few local outdoor events as part of Freedom Of The Mind.. and I have met some wonderful poets and musicians along the way.. its been surprisingly positive.

Today I am happy to announce my new Merchandise Page! I have different designs all inspired by my songs and my vibe.. they are available on t shirts sweatshirts, caps, bags and pillows, stickers and mugs and even cooking aprons!  I will be updating them regularly.. so please cheack out the Merch page for gifts for loved ones and for yourself. Here is a direct link if you have any problems accessing! I hope you like the images and positive vibrations.

JLG Shirts & Tings

No news on music releases as all is on hold.. I am sure next year will bring some amazing developments

Forever vibing high